14 March 2014

Nothing to wear!

The other day I had one of those moments... You know the sort - I looked in my wardrobe and there was NOTHING to wear!!!

Nothing that is except things I didn't feel like today, or were too thin and light for the dubious Scottish weather with hail and sleet mixed in with the lively glimpses of sun. Nothing that felt like it matched my mood that day. Nothing interesting or new.
So I put my darned jeans on yet again, and grabbed the least worn-out jumper yet again, and headed out for uni. All day in the back of my mind was the question of what to do when you are buying nothing new (not even just "new to me" from a charity shop) for another year and a half….
That evening I had a good dig through my stash of "not worn out but not wearable" things (jumpers shrunk in the wash, shirts that don't fit right, trousers that are too big or too small and so-on) and also my "worn but beloved" basket and tried to come up with something inspiring!
Two identical green lambswool jumpers caught my eye. They never fitted flatteringly so I had felted them in the washing machine and saved them to making into something as I love the colour.
Time to get the scissors out!
I think if I combine the two I can make them into a tunic top/dress. Watch this space for the next steps!
I am also working on mending my favourite jumper, a lovely natural brown homespun that was my very first big knitting project. The elbows wore out because the yarn was too thin on that section of it. So I undid a throw I crocheted that had some of the same wool in it, and am re-knitting both arms from the elbow down. I can't wait to be able to wear that lovely jumper again! I am finding that I actually quite like knitting too, I used to find it such a drag, it took toooooo looooooooong………. But now I find it a good way to wind down at the end of a busy day. I hope to finish one sleeve today or tomorrow, and if I do some every day I may have my jumper back up and running by next week. Something to wear that is fresh and "new"!
Maybe I will find some time to piece the green jumpers into something new this weekend too! Two times "something new" in one week! That should keep me happy for another six months ;)